Course Timeline
10 sessions curated for you right from the first trimester to the 4th month of your baby to help you prepare well for your child.
- S1 | Changes in YOU: Pregnancy
- First Trimester/ First 12 Weeks
- S2 | Preparing for Childbirth
- 7th Month/ 28 Weeks
- S3 | Stages of Labor
- 8th Month/ 32 Weeks
- S4 | Breastfeeding your Baby
- 8th Month/ 32 Weeks
- S5 | Breastfeeding Beginnings
- 9th Month/ 36 Weeks
- S6 | Early Challenges in Breastfeeding: ANC
- 9th Month/ 36 Weeks
- S7 | Challenges in the Postnatal Period
- 9th Month/ 36 Weeks
- S8 | Going Back to Work
- After Baby’s Birth
- S9 | Changes in You: Parenting
- After Baby’s First Month
- S10 | Complementary Feeding After 6 Months
- After Baby’s 4th Month